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Guarding Your Growth: Proactive Measures Against Construction Fraud

Being a construction company owner, you are involved in multiple projects with significant investments and tons of moving parts. Due to tight schedules, construction accounting and payment process are a mess. That’s why you often become the victim of expense padding, falsifying change orders, bid rigging, material theft, improper revenue recognition, invoice manipulation, and collusion […]


5 Tips to Unlock Power of Outsourced Construction Accounting

Being a construction company owner, you would be aware of the five most popular accounting methods – job order costing, activity-based costing, production order costing, functional depreciation and the completed contract method. Which one is right for you? Of course, the optimal construction accounting method varies depending on the unique needs and circumstances of your […]


Paving the Way: Debt Management Strategies for Construction Companies

410 companies within the construction sector became insolvent. Infact, the construction industry ranked 2nd, contributing 16% of US business insolvencies. Amidst overgrowing project backlogs, slow-paced collections, and retainage requirements, you constantly struggle to manage debts. Along with poor financial management, another reason for this alarming trend is that you mostly purchase construction materials in bulk […]


Construction Accounting Myths: Demolishing Misconceptions Around Outsourcing

Did you know? There are over 3,787,470 construction businesses in the US – Source Running a construction company with multiple concurrent projects is a formidable endeavor, demanding exceptional organizational prowess. You may easily recall being swamped in steering projects toward success by embodying effective leadership and implementing strategic measures. In my career, I have seen […]