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Accounting & Bookkeeping

Power of Quality Bookkeeping: Your Shield Against Fraud

When asked, many small and medium business owners expressed significant trust and responsibilities towards their bookkeepers. And you may not be different to this. You may also feel close to your accountants or bookkeepers and believe that everything is in place. 37% of fraud is committed by company insiders. And you know what’s even more […]

Bookkeeping Services for Small Medium Businesses

Regain Financial Control with Catch-up Bookkeeping Handbook

As a small business owner, you’re likely wearing many hats—juggling everything from product sourcing to inventory management, front-end work, human resources, marketing, and more. With a mile-long to-do list, bookkeeping often falls by the wayside. In fact, a curious revelation emerges as 60% of owners confess to lacking sufficient knowledge in bookkeeping. Yet many of […]


A Close Look at the Build Operate Transfer Model in Accounting Outsourcing

93% of accounting firms faced delayed accounting tasks due to staffing shortage With the advent of technological advancements and evolving landscapes, accounting firms continually seek innovative strategies to streamline operations and boost efficiency. This dynamic sphere presents an array of back-office services, propelling firms to explore new horizons. This is the reason why the Build […]