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Grant Management System in Rotary Clubs: In-house or Outsourced?

Effective management of district grants, global grants, disaster response grants, and others is paramount for the success of humanitarian projects, scholarships, support relief and recovery programs, and vocational training programs. To gain measurable outcomes for these programs, it’s imperative for you to maintain a standard set of accounts, including a complete record of all invoices, […]


How to Choose the Perfect Outsourced Nonprofit Accounting Service Partner with the Right Expertise?

Over 1.7 million tax exempt nonprofits in the US, approximately 30% fail to exist after 10 years due to inconsistent fund accounting. Let’s ensure your nonprofit isn’t one of them! Financial management for nonprofits is unique in many ways. With specific financial requirements of donors, board members, and regulators, strict reporting, complex funding streams, and […]


Junior League vs Nonprofit Accounting: A Distinctive Approach

Accounting is a vital thread for all nonprofit organizations, including Junior Leagues. However, it’s significant to know that all threads are not woven same. In the realm of nonprofits, accounting practices of Junior league stand out as a distinctive approach. Let’s delve into unique approaches that shape accounting and financial management of Junior Leagues and […]


Expectations vs Realities of NPO Accounting – Unveiling the Truth

Accounting takes center stage in the nonprofit world, where donations and grants are the lifeblood of operations and program funding. Here, accounting functions as the North Star, guiding organizations through the complex terrain of financial management. In a quick Google search of “What should I expect from nonprofit accounting,” numerous tasks emerge in the results. […]


Balancing Books, Building Impact The Role of Accurate Bookkeeping in Nonprofits

Unwavering commitment and a clear sense of purpose serve as the driving catalysts for every mission. Nonprofits, such as yours, spearhead countless humanitarian efforts, environmental initiatives, and community-building endeavors. With dedication, you allocate resources, talents, and time to tackle pressing challenges and attain substantial objectives. Yet, behind your inspiring nonprofit journey of bringing impactful change […]


Numbers with Purpose: Statement of Financial Position for Nonprofits

61% of donors claim to choose which nonprofits to support based on how “well” the organization utilizes its funding – Source Donors and stakeholders want to know that their contributions are being used effectively to further the organization’s mission. To achieve this transparency, nonprofits rely on a variety of financial statements, one of the most […]