White-Label Accounting Services: Top 5 Tips to Evaluate Your Outsourcing Vendor

If you’re considering a white-label accounting firm to alleviate some of the burden of tax time in 2022, you want to make sure you are getting the best value and the best service for your money. Between 2018 and 2020, the number of tax preparers in the U.S. has declined by more than 21 percent. There are just 56,900 qualified tax preparers serving customers today.

If you’ve had a hard time hiring for tax season or are concerned you won’t have the staff to keep up with client demand, outsourced accounting services could be the answer. What should you look for when evaluating a white-label accounting firm? Ask these questions as you evaluate white-label accounting services to find the best provider for your needs.

Does the White-Label Accounting Firm Have Best Practices in Place To Deliver the Highest Quality?
Ask about the white-label accounting firm’s processes and procedures to minimize mistakes and ensure the highest quality. The firm should have:

Standard operating procedures in place
A maker-checker method to review files
Calendars to meet deadlines and stay on track
Employees who are well-matched to their positions
Their team structure should use employees with varying fields of expertise and levels of experience, including tax preparers, accountants and senior accountants, auditors, reviewers, and managers.

Is the Company Reliable?
Ask about staffing to ensure your white-label accounting firm will be able to deliver the service you need. There should be staffing redundancy to ensure the help you need is always available, even as you look to scale your business. The firm should be communicative and available, with an emphasis on high levels of customer service.

Does the Firm Use State-of-the-Art Technology To Serve Clients?
You’ll want to find out what software the outsourced accounting firm uses, as well as integration capabilities with CRM software and other business apps you may use. The ability to customize dashboards can help make platforms easier to use, giving you and your clients the insights they need with just one click. Business insights should be readily available on-demand to transform real-time financial reporting into data-driven insights.

Cloud-based platforms make financial reports available from any internet-connected device, enabling greater efficiency in a world where people often work remotely.

Is the Platform Secure?
The platform should be secure, with multiple levels of protection. Look for secured token-based access and adherence to security standards for accounting firms.

Can Outsourced Accounting Services Save You Money?
While you shouldn’t choose your outsourced accounting services based on price alone, it should be a consideration. By using an offshore team, Pacific Accounting and Business Services should save your company up to 50% on operational costs. Our white-label accounting services are fully scalable, so you can focus on bringing in new customers and know you’ll always have the bandwidth to serve them.

Contact PABS for your free quote today.

Published on: Dec 20, 2021



John Bugh

John Bugh is the Chief Revenue Officer for Pacific Accounting and Business Services (PABS), responsible for the strategic direction, planning, vision, growth, and performance of the company’s marketing, branding, and revenue streams.

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