The Outsourced Accounting Advantage for Accountants – BUILD, SCALE and THRIVE

August 11, 2021
06:08 AM
1.00 Hour

Research indicates that 30% of accounting firms across the US have already outsourced their accounting with another 50% planning to do so in the next 2 years.

Outsourcing has evolved as one of the most productive and viable options for accountants to improve margins, meet shifting demands and fulfill the need of qualified resources. But outsourcing is much more than simply partnering with an offshore vendor and waiting for investments to generate positive outcomes. A successful outsourcing strategy is knowing what to outsource, whom to outsource, tangible benefits and scalability in the long run.

In this webinar, Jim Merrill and Teresa Chiechi will deep dive in to how offshoring has emerged as a critical step towards attaining sustainability, acquiring more customers and competitive edge.

What you can take away from this webinar:

  • Outsourced accounting landscape
  • Outsourcing Vs Offshore Vs Blended Shore
  • Who should be outsourcing
  • What are common pitfalls
  • Outsourcing strategies
  • Benefits of outsourcing

Reserve your seat, and get access to the best-in-class insights on the entire outsourcing model and benefits out of it.

Teresa Chiechi
Teresa Chiechi

Senior Vice President

Teresa Chiechi is President of PABSCFO and Senior Vice President at PABS.

Jim Merrill
Jim Merrill


Jim Merrill is the President of US Operations at Pacific Accounting & Business Solutions (PABS). He holds a Bachelor of Business Administration degree with a Major in Accounting from the University of Hawaii at Manoa from where he graduated with honors.

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